Updated Thu 13 February 2025
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Store's Description
Housekeep offers a wide variety of cleaning services for homes and businesses. It helps local cleaners find jobs in their area, which cuts down on travel time. The booking process is simple: you create your own account, specify your preferred cleaning time and date, and a cleaner will arrive at your door on the scheduled date. The company also offers a variety of different cleaning products, including eco-friendly alternatives. A few of the products are biodegradable.
The reviews on Housekeep.com are generally positive, with a majority of customers giving them a four-star rating. However, it's worth noting that all of the reviews were posted recently, by staff that don't actually perform the cleaning themselves. Because of this, it's difficult to judge the quality of the service, since many customers post 5-star reviews that don't contain any commentary. In addition, the reviews are often posted by people who aren't actually doing any cleaning, and the quality is low.
Customers aren't limited to one-off cleaning jobs; Housekeep users can pick up cleaning jobs whenever they have spare time. One-off cleaning jobs are generally paid on Fridays, and housekeepers can earn up to PS450 per week. Since the site has been launched, the number of available jobs is steadily increasing. In fact, there are several new ones every day. It is a great way to earn a bit of extra cash without having to worry about a full-time job.